Support is available

It has certainly been a challenging season, and the upcoming months will determine if we receive enough rainfall to provide more than the short-term relief received to date.

As dairy farmers, we have all faced less-than-ideal circumstances at some point. However, with good information, a strong team, and decisive actions, we can navigate challenges effectively.

WestVic Dairy is committed to supporting the region’s farmers by providing technical information to manage dry conditions and recognises the need for decision making support.

Personalised one-on-one assistance is available for anyone seeking practical help, offered through a new delivery model of the Our Farm, Our Plan program.

This new model brings the program directly to your farm.

For those who find it hard to commit the time to leave the farm, this approach makes it easier to participate and benefit from the support the program can offer.

WestVic Dairy staff, along with a consultant, facilitate the process and conduct a series of one-on-one meetings directly with you over two years. This approach is designed to fit your availability and needs.

The program combines a straightforward review and planning process with flexible one-on-one support, to help you work towards achieving your personal and farm business goals.

As we plan to manage the challenges created by the dry conditions and make the most of spring, this is an ideal time to begin the program.

Consultants will help you address any immediate concerns brought by the dry spell and then look at long-term goals, improving business performance and managing risk.

Additionally, resources like the Farm Fitness Checklist are available to help farmers assess their current situation, with the option to delve deeper into these tools in focused sessions.

WestVic Dairy strives to advance the south-western Victorian dairy industry and will report on its activities to achieve this at this year’s Annual General Meeting.

I would like to invite you and other interested community members to WestVic Dairy’s AGM on Tuesday, October 8, at the Killara Centre, Manifold St, Camperdown at 1pm.

The AGM provides an overview of WestVic Dairy’s operations over the 2023-24 financial year and provides you with the opportunity to ask questions.

Questions for the board will be taken on notice and should be submitted in writing to: The Chair, WestVic Dairy Inc, PO Box 174, Camperdown, 3260 or email by close of business on Friday, October 4.

Prior to this year’s AGM a regional consultation forum for Dairy Australia’s strategic plan will be held from 11.30am to 12.30pm.

This is your chance to share your thoughts about the direction of the organisation and its investments for the next five years.

If you are interested in receiving personalised support for you and your farm business, or would like to attend the AGM or consultation session, call the WestVic Dairy team on 5557 1000.

I wish you all good spring rains and bountiful silage harvest.

– Brendan Rea is the WestVic Dairy chair.