
Support is available for risky drinking with Hello Sunday Morning

Blue skies ahead: Support is available to tackle risky drinking behaviours.

Hello Sunday Morning, a not-for-profit organisation helping people improve their relationship with alcohol, has created an app to help regional Australians overcome barriers to tackling risky drinking behaviours.

Hello Sunday Morning chief executive Andy Moore said it was distressing to know that regional Victorians had to travel excessive distances, an average of 90 minutes, to seek treatment.

“Research is telling us that regional Victorians are more likely to drink at levels that are harmful to their health,” he said.

“Rural populations are 1½ more times likely to consume alcohol at high-risk levels, and four times less likely to seek help.”

Hello Sunday Morning has an an online, anonymous service that can be accessed from a phone app called Daybreak. It is an online community of like-minded people sharing their challenges and experiences anonymously.

“The Daybreak app is all about meeting regional and rural Victorians where they’re at — with discretion, compassion and immediacy that’s direct to their phone,” Mr Moore said.

“Removing the barriers of waiting lists, long drives to specialist support and the stigma of your business being known in a small town is critical to helping Victorians create healthier habits with drinking.”

For regional Victorians seeking an initial check-in, Hello Sunday Morning’s alcohol and wellbeing self-assessment helps identify risky drinking behaviour and the next steps for change.

Over 75,000 Australians have downloaded the app and sought online care.