
Surprise honour for Kath Harris

Kat Harris was awarded life membership of the Berrigan Amateur Dramatic Society.

Congratulations to Kath Harris, who received a life membership to the Berrigan Amateur Dramatic Society on Sunday at the matinée performance of Clue.

Kath has worked in BADS for 32 years, both on and off-stage, and has been the mastermind of the fantastic costumes over this time.

The presentation was a complete surprise to Kath, who was able to share with the audience, cast and family.


Last weekend saw the first performances of Clue presented by BADS, a great play enjoyed by all who attended on Friday and Saturday nights and at the matinée on Sunday.

This weekend it will be staged for the final time, so if you would like to be a part of the audience, tickets are still available.

The second and final weekend of showings of Clue will be this weekend.


This Sunday Townies will take on the Farmers in a 2-person ambrose golf competition.

A great day of fun and laughs and an all important trophy to win.

Organise your own partner, $25 per person, which includes a barbecue; tee off time is at 11.30am. All welcome.


The Berrigan District & Development Association invites all people who are new to, or have returned to, the Berrigan area within the past five years to attend a welcome to Berrigan barbecue luncheon.

Locals are encouraged to attend as hosts for their new neighbours or friends.

The luncheon will be held on Sunday, August 25 at noon at the Berrigan Community Club.

Lunch will be provided and drinks can be purchased at bar prices.

To assist with catering, RSVP by Friday, August 16 to Jenna Sawasbrick on 5885 2382 or email

This is an initiative of the BDDA Inc.


The next Berrigan race meeting is fast approaching on Saturday, August 24.

This is always a great meeting with three families featuring on the day – feature races are the Brian Dorman Memorial, Robbie Saunders Memorial and Bernard Curtin Memorial.

TAB facilities, bar facilities and food available all day.


The Berrigan Amaroo Auxiliary AGM will be held at the Madill Centre on Monday, August 26, at 2pm. All welcome.