
Swimmers issue Super challenge

Finley Swimming Club Treasurer Craig O’Donnell (back middle, holding flag) together with coaches and club members.

Starlight Children’s Foundation is conducting its fourth annual Super Swim challenge from February 1 through to February 28, 2023.

This is Australia’s favourite online swim challenge with the aim to raise $2 million to brighten the lives of over 51,000 sick children.

It is expected that several members of Finley Swimming Club will register to take part in the challenge, with treasurer Craig O’Donnell already signed up.

Craig has set himself the target of 7km to swim and $700 to raise.

“This means I will be swimming up to 30 laps, three times a week for the month.

“We are hoping that, by the start of the Super Swim, most of the active club members will have signed up.

“Every donation made will help brighten the hospital experience for one child and give a little relief to their families. That’s definitely worth swimming for.”

So far Craig has raised $200 but he is asking for sponsorship to raise as much as he can, especially from past students he has taught at Finley High School.

“It’s time now for you to teach me a lesson by donating to make me swim harder,” he said.

Craig can be found at the Finley MenShed and should have his donation page with him most days.

An easier way to support his efforts is to go online to, click on ‘sponsor someone’ located at the top right of the page and search for his name.

Club president Kendall Van Beek has confirmed the organisation is behind this event and encourages anyone interested in joining the club to join in activities at the pool Mondays and Wednesdays after 5.30pm.

“New members are always most welcome” she said.


Finley 2nd Hand Shop members (back, from left) Nella McNamara, Gabbi Comber, Kaylene Dawe, Ray Plyman, Ken Gardner, Barry Dawe; (front) Joyce Thomas and Gwen James.

Anyone who has visited the Finley 2nd Hand shop is bound to have had a chat with long term volunteer, Gwen James.

She has been a valued member of the group since 2011 and has given freely of her time and effort to raise funds for the local community.

With this in mind, a number of other members held a special morning tea at the shop last Friday to help Gwen celebrate her special 80th birthday.

Although slightly embarrassed by the attention, she thanked those present and expressed her appreciation of their caring friendship.


Olivier Flury enjoys ice skating with children Tobias and Adelise.

A spokesperson for the Stars On Ice company who installed the ice skating rink at the Finley showgrounds recently has expressed his thanks for the excellent response from Finley and surrounding towns.

A combined effort from Berrigan Shire Council and the local Chamber of Commerce gave both young and not so young enthusiasts the opportunity to have this wonderful experience.

Included in the visitors was the Flury family - Kylie (nee Reid), originally from Tocumwal, her husband Olivier, son Tobias and daughter Adelise.

They have recently moved from Gruyere in Switzerland.

They have all skied at the Moleson Gruyere in Switzerland, however, they had not anticipated being able to ice skate in Finley.

Olie, a Swiss national born in Montreux said, “I have been skiing all my life but this is the first time I have been ice skating in shorts and a tee shirt”.

The general consensus is the venture was a huge success and many hope that the ice skating will return to the area again in the not too distant future.


Members of the Finley Hospital Auxiliary would like to give everyone all best wishes for a happy and successful 2023.

To celebrate the new year, there will be a special sale at the op shop of $5 a bag of clothing.

As usual, there are some items which will not be included.

However, this is a great opportunity to call in, have a chat with the wonderful volunteers and pick up a bargain or two.


Members of the Finley and Tocumwal Anglican Church communities are advised that Bishop Donald Kirk of the Anglican Riverina Diocese will be conducting the 10am service at Holy Trinity Church, Finley on Sunday, January 29.

An invitation is extended to all interested in attending and taking the opportunity to meet Bishop Mark.


Tai Chi will recommence for the 2023 year on Thursday, February 2.

Tai Chi is moving meditation working on mind and body and is a good way to come out of the COVID-19 mindset.

For those new to the town, it is a good way to meet people and to socialise with a very friendly group. 2023 would be a great year to start up or return to Tai Chi if the activity hasn’t been on the agenda for a while.

People from surrounding towns are most welcome to attend one hour sessions held at the Finley RS Club on Thursday and Friday mornings at 10am.

This is a safe venue with plenty of room for social distancing and also an opportunity for coffee and a chat afterwards.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Veronica, a Murrumbidgee Health volunteer and qualified senior trainer, on 0413 678 389.

Cost is $2 per session.


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