Take care over summer

Sussan Ley.

Best wishes to you for a happy and safe holiday season!

Many locals will likely be off to visit family or friends at some point, and I would like to add my voice for taking extra care if you are travelling over the summer break.

The NSW and local road toll are already well up on last year, and with more people making a journey around this time, leaving yourself plenty of time (and rest stops) to get somewhere is still a pretty good rule to follow.

With one of the largest federal electorates in the country, hitting the road has been a key priority for me most of this year.

It was great to get to so many places, whether dropping in for a ‘pollie in the pub’ night, school visit, fundraising events, community feedback forums and many more.

Getting out of Canberra and talking with people (helping where I can), is the best part of the job.

It also helps me better represent your views when back in federal parliament.

It’s the same in my various roles as Deputy Leader of the Opposition, which has put me in front of hundreds of business owners, industry and community leaders, women and family organisations during 2023.

Understandably, a common topic everywhere has been the sharp rise in cost of living as well as the higher cost of being in business, and what government can - or should - be doing to help right now!

Let’s hope 2024 sees things become a little bit easier.

Where you can shop, or stop locally, please do, as it benefits all of us.

And a special mention to our police, ambulance, rescue and health services for keeping us safe over the break.

My office will also remain on-call for any urgent matters or emergencies.