
Taking life as a carer in stride

Sibling love: Margaret Sheppard has been a carer for her sister Rosie for the past 24 years.

Life as a full-time carer is challenging but it has its fun moments, according to Seymour’s Margaret Sheppard.

Affectionately known as ‘‘Bop’’ to her family and friends, Margaret became a carer for her sister Rosie when their mother passed away 24 years ago and was also a carer for their dad after he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.

An already challenging life as a carer was made more difficult in 2010 when Margaret was diagnosed with cancer.

Margaret and Rosie moved to Seymour from Tallarook to be closer to their sister Bev for support while Margaret underwent cancer treatment.

“Thankfully I came through the treatment all right and am still able to care for Rosie,” Margaret said.

“I do everything for Rosie, which is difficult. But I told my mum when I was 15 that she would never go in a home.

“It’s not an easy life but we have a good time together. We have a routine, and we make it work.

“We have a cabin in Portarlington that we’ll be heading back to when restrictions ease. Rosie loves being at the beach.

“Thankfully lockdown hasn’t been too difficult on Rosie because she’s a big fan of staying home.”

Margaret said her support network was invaluable to give her and Rosie a break and support when times became tough.

“Rosie and I spend a lot of time together and we need a break from each other every now and then,” she said.

“We would struggle without the support of our sister Bev and the team at Goulburn Options. Rosie loves going to Goulburn Options and is well known for her artwork.

“It also gives me some time to do some things in the community like volunteering with Goulburn Options, the Tallarook Cemetery Trust, Meals on Wheels and the Seymour Volunteer Group of The Cancer Council Victoria.

“You just have to take it all in stride. There’s good and bad days but in the end we’re sisters and we love each other.”