
Tatura residents honoured in Australia Day awards

Tatura’s Victory Hall was packed with people to celebrate Australia Day on Friday, January 26.

The event was one of the biggest turnouts the Tatura and District Australia Day Committee has seen, with just over 300 attendees.

Jennifer Sanders was a popular winner of Tatura’s Citizen of the Year award, with her nomination for the award endorsed by a whopping 82 people.

Dr Sanders was recognised for her work at the Tatura Medical Centre, and for providing a 24-hour on-call service for the Tatura Hospital and Parkvilla Nursing Home patients, while setting up a mini urgent care centre at Tatura Hospital during the 2022 floods as residents were unable to go to the emergency department.

“I’ve always tried to do my best,” Dr Sanders said.

“I’m blown away with the community support.

“It’s an amazing honour.”

Arthur Fennell was named the Senior Citizen of the Year for his contributions to Heartbeat Victoria Goulburn Valley through numerous roles since 1998 and for volunteering around the community in groups including the Scouts, Tatura Lions Club, Tatura Men’s Shed, masonic lodge and volunteering as a driver for Tatura Hospital.

Among Mr Fennell’s greatest volunteer achievements was helping fundraise for the current Tatura Scout Hall.

“It was certainly an honour to be recognised by the community for your efforts,” Mr Fennell said.

“Many senior citizens do good work.

“It only seems to be a small bit, but you contribute.”

The Sports Award was presented to Greg Toy, recognising his lawn bowls accomplishments, including winning a silver medal representing Victoria at state-level para bowls in Perth.

Mr Toy has been playing lawn bowls for over 20 years, and since being diagnosed with muscular dystrophy, he has been playing para bowls since 2019.

He said it had been a humbling experience, and he was proud to be recognised for his achievements.

“I just enjoy doing what I do. I love bowling, it’s my passion,” he said.

“It’s great to see such a fantastic turnout of people.

“I’m absolutely stoked and very, very proud to be here.”

The Junior Sports Award went to Tanz Dellar, who has won various Hill Top Golf Club events including the C-grade open men’s championship and the Pam Wells Trophy for the best junior golfer.

He has also represented Tatura with the Goulburn Murray Golf Association, and enjoys football, basketball and tennis.

“I’m very honoured to receive this award,” Tanz said.

“I was very surprised.”

The 15-year-old admitted that standing up in front of just over 300 people, including many people from Hill Top Golf Club, was “nerve-racking”.

“It’s good to see everyone show up,” he said.

Jenny and Frank Lagozzino received the Community Event of the Year award for their dedication to fundraising for various organisations, including raising more than $12,000 in 2023 for myeloma cancer after a customer at their Commercial Hotel had the disease.

They have also raised more than $100,000 for the Leukaemia Foundation.

The couple wasn’t expecting the award and were touched by the turnout.

“You just do it, you don’t expect that someone’s going to appreciate what you do,” Ms Lagozzino said.

“It’s really thanks to all the people in the Tat community, what we do is for them.

“We just try to help others as much as we can.”

Before the Australia Day ceremony even began, the Tatura Lions Club boosted the mood with a bacon and egg sandwich breakfast for all.

Singer Juliana DeQuilettes was back again this year to perform the Australian National Anthem, I Still Call Australia Home, and I Am Australian, resulting in a sea of Australian flags being waved.

Glenys Eberle spoke about what Australia Day means to her and the importance of the community marking the occasion.

“It’s great to see young ones celebrate on this day,” she said.

Rotary district governor and guest speaker Neta Kirby also gave a detailed speech about “coming home to Tatura” and how everybody from the close-knit community was special.

Helper: Guest speaker Neta Kirby was joined by dog Connie at the ceremony.
Beautiful voice: Juliana DeQuilettes sang three songs at the ceremony.
Large crowd: One of the biggest crowds ever attended the Australia Day ceremony in Tatura.
Hungry: Lions Club members (back) Malcolm Campbell, Taffy Moreton, Michael Shay, Tony Donoghue, Charles Lawson, Doug Tuhan, (front) Helen Hoskin and Peter Ibbott cooked up bacon and egg rolls as part of the Tatura Australia Day event.
Ceremony: Army cadets bring in the Australian flag for the ceremony.
Speaker: Glenys Eberle spoke at the event.
Ceremony: Army cadet Holly Costa carried in the Australian flag for the ceremony.
Winner: Citizen of the Year winner Jennifer Sanders.
Dressed up: Tatura’s Carol and Graham Ellis got into the Australian spirit for Australia Day.
Award winners: Jenny and Frank Lagozzino with their award for the Community Event of the Year.
Congratulations: State Member for Northern Victoria Wendy Lovell presented Jennifer Sanders with her Citizen of the Year award.
A day to celebrate: Tatura’s Betty Durston, Betty Smith, Denise Ferguson and Kevin ‘Gunna’ Ryan at the ceremony.
Celebration: Dr Jennifer Sanders (second from right) with (from left) daughter Steph Musolino, husband Ross Musolino and cousin Gabriella Alleretto.
Australia Day: Shepparton’s Jenny Carter and Mooroopna’s Evelyn Harper attended the Tatura Australia Day ceremony.
Great job: City of Greater Shepparton’s Cr Dinny Adem presents Greg Toy with his Sport Award.
Well done: City of Greater Shepparton’s Cr Anthony Brophy presented Tanz Dellar with the Junior Sports Award.