
The ecological and financial benefits of increased tree cover

Informative: Dr Greg Moore spoke to people in Benalla about the benefits of an increased number of trees in urban areas. Photo by Contributed

More than 130 people gathered at Benalla’s Uniting Church on February 22 to hear from renowned tree expert Greg Moore.

Benalla Sustinable Future Group president Peter Holmes said they were inspired, entertained and challenged by Dr Moore’s presentation.

“Which centred on the health benefits, financial savings in energy consumption, and climate mitigation effects which result from increasing tree cover in urban areas,” Mr Holmes said.

Attendees included councillors from Strathbogie and Wangaratta, and council officers from Benalla, Indigo, Wangaratta and Strathbogie shires.

“The issues and benefits raised by Dr Moore in his talk need to be taken seriously by Benalla Rural City and other councils which have not already established appropriate planning policies in the areas of new housing subdivision approvals, and associated streetscape policies,” Mr Holmes said.

At the talk Dr Moore quoted studies that have shown the significant health benefits that shady public spaces provide.

“Not only do they encourage an increase in people taking more exercise..., but the socialisation and emotional wellbeing of communities was found to be improved,” Mr Holmes said.

“Dr Moore also was very critical of the trend towards creating subdivisions with smaller lot sizes and building approvals for larger houses with inappropriate cladding.

“Other benefits raised by Dr Moore (included) the financial benefits of appropriately selected and located trees, because of the cooling effect in summer, leading to reduced need for air-conditioning.

“Streets paved with bitumen last many years longer when they are shaded by trees, resulting in lower maintenance costs for local government and ratepayers.

“Dr Moore stated that much of the inappropriate development that is occurring in urban areas has been a consequence of inadequate state planning regulations, and an inability of communities to successfully challenge proposals in VCAT.

“Councils should insist on a minimum of 10 per cent of a subdivision being set aside for open space, and not fudging this by saying the street areas constitute the 10 per cent.

“Lot sizes must be sufficient to allow for enough medium size trees on each lot. Street trees should be included to provide shady avenues for people to walk and ride.”

Mr Holmes said BSFG would like to know if Benalla had a minimum percentage target for tree canopy cover within the urban area, and if so, did this apply to each individual subdivision approved, or was it just averaged over the whole city area?

“Dr Moore mentioned that many municipalities have set targets of 30 per cent tree canopy cover,” Mr Holmes said.

Dr Moore’s talk was recorded, and will be available for interested people who were unable to attend his presentation.

Email BSFG at for information about the recording.