
The Gift that keeps on giving | Toolamba local raising funds once again

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Massive effort: G-MW procurement manager Lauren Hicks is raising money for a local cancer charity. Photo by Contributed

A dedicated Toolamba local is making a meaningful impact in her community by helping a local charity.

The charity in question is ‘The Gift’, a Kyabram-based organisation with a noble mission to provide unwavering support to individuals battling cancer.

Since its inception in 2012, The Gift has succeeded in raising over $800,000, extending its reach to communities including Tongala, Stanhope, Rushworth and Undera.

Goulburn-Murray Water procurement manager Lauren Hicks is at the forefront of these charitable efforts.

In 2022, she spearheaded a campaign that raised $10,000 for The Gift.

This year, Lauren said she was determined to surpass her previous achievement and promised to shave her head should she meet this goal.

Lauren’s motivation is deeply personal.

“Anyone who has had friends or family battle cancer knows how difficult it is and how important it is that there is help available to them,” she said.

“A few years ago, I had a friend who passed away due to cancer, and I decided I wanted to do something to help those going through what he and his family endured.

“The Gift is an amazing charity, and supporting them is a wonderful way to help people in our community who are battling with cancer.”

Luaren has already reached her $10,000 target and has a date with the shears on Melbourne Cup Day, where she hopes to raise even more for the cause.

On Tuesday, November 7, the Toolamba Pub will host her final push to see how much money she can raise.

It will be a day of fun full of activities for kids, race day sweeps, competitions and prizes, auctions and a new haircut for Lauren.

The Gift, entirely run by volunteers, currently has about 40 families in the region it supports.

The help it offers varies depending on each person’s situation.

It might pay for a medical appointment for one person and help pay the rent for another.

It’s all about The Gift providing whatever support it can.

The Gift vice-chair Andrew Moore said fundraising efforts such as Lauren’s were vital to the organisation.

“Lauren’s dedication and the generosity of those contributing to her cause exemplify the remarkable impact that individuals and communities can achieve when they unite to support those in need,” he said.

All donations and funds raised are in memory of Tatura local Cabe Stammers.

Those interested in contributing to Lauren’s fundraiser can visit