
The sky’s the limit with U3A Benalla

Talented: Members of U3A’s Recorder Group performing in public at the end of 2022. Photo by Contributed

With U3A’s 2023 enrolment day looming, Benalla’s 300-plus members will have nearly 50 courses to choose from this year.

There will be nine new programs.

One of the new courses, appropriately named in this context, is The Sky’s the Limit.

Every month it will explore aviation to the broadest extent possible, with an emphasis on gliding, given Benalla’s proximity to the Gliding Club of Victoria.

Speakers will include pilots of fixed wing aircraft, helicopters and hot air balloons, as well as aeroplane builders, aviation historians and aircraft collectors.

U3A publicity officer David Palmer said it was fair to say U3A members in Benalla had limitless aspirations in other areas too.

“For example, the well-established Explore the Universe group frequently peers thousands of light years into the depths of space,” Mr Palmer said.

“And it's probably not pushing the analogy too far to say that most of those in the Investment Group have limitless aspirations for their share and other investment portfolios.

“Another area where there often appears to be no limits is Family Research where, particularly with computerised assistance, it is not difficult to acquire several thousand previously unknown relatives.

“A return program this year will be Demystifying Psychology convened by Jane Rushworth.”

There will also be three new computer-related courses.

Making music has always been popular, with Community Singing and Singing for Fun convened by U3A president Margaret Jenkins.

The always popular Recorder Group, under the guidance of Janet Douglas, will also return.

“A new one for 2023 will be Ukes4Fun hosted by Heather Wallace. Participants will have to provide their own ukuleles, stands and tuners,” Mr Palmer said.

Local photographer Rene Martens will host a program this year.

“Nearly everyone has a camera in their pocket these days, so the course should be popular,” Mr Palmer said.

“Two new book clubs will debut this year too. They are the Jane Austen Book Club and the Wise Guys Book Group.

"Men do not often join existing book clubs, so the Wise Guys will focus on technological non-fiction books, with perhaps aviation, automotive, agriculture and seafaring themes.”

Enrolment day will be on Wednesday, January 11 starting at 9am at the Senior Citizens Centre, 18 Fawckner Dve.

Annual membership is only $30 and enables participation in any number of courses.

There is a minimum age limit of 55 for U3A membership.

More information can be found at

For those unable to attend the enrolment day, enrolment forms are available at the Redb4 bookshop next to Hide’s Bakery, at 113 Bridge St.