The view from Mooroopna this morning

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Flooding in Mooroopna on Sunday morning. Photo: Dave D’Elia.

Mooroopna residents have woken to eerie scenes this morning.

Former Cricket Shepparton president Dave D’Elia sent these images through of the area in and around the main thoroughfare in town.

"It’s bubbling along and rising relatively quickly,“ D’Elia said.

“I’m off Elsie Jones Dve so I’m currently okay, but it’s just a really eerie quiet out there this morning.”

Residents are bracing for the unknown that comes with the current 12.2m peak predictions for the Goulburn River.

“It’s a question of how far is it going to go? They’re talking we’ve got another half a metre to go, which means a lot of houses are going to get very wet,” D’Elia said.

“The catchment basin behind the trotting track still has a good metre and half to fill up by the looks of it, and I could still walk out there up Rodney Dve, but the flood map at 12.2m says all of that will be under water.”

If you are in Mooroopna and can safely volunteer at the Recreation Reserve, help is desperately needed.

Power is currently out in many homes, and the peak of the flood waters is yet to come.

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