
Tickets available for Monash dinner

Just Jerilderie

Murrumbidgee Council, in collaboration with the Jerilderie RSL Sub-branch, will host the Sir John Monash Dinner and 100 Year commemoration of the Jerilderie Cenotaph on Friday, March 17.

The evening will commence at 6.30pm.

Guest speakers are Member for Riverina Michael McCormack and RSL president Ray James OAM.

Tickets for the four course dinner may be booked at Jerilderie Council office, or phone 58861 200, by March 9. Bar facilities will be available.


Students returning to school at Jerilderie Public hit the ground running, or in this case swimming, with the 2023 Combined Small Schools Swimming Carnival held in Jerilderie on February 2.

It was a fairly ordinary day weather-wise, but one which was enjoyed by all who attended.

Thanks have been extended to JPS staff and helpers from Finley High School who provided support with timekeeping, one-to-one support in the pool, and packing up at the end of the day.

And of course to all the students who attended and participated in the events.


The annual Jerilderie Working Dogs Auction is coming up on Saturday, February 25, at the Jerilderie Race Course/Show Grounds.


Jerilderie CWA’s monthly meeting will be held tomorrow, at 1.30pm at the CWA rooms.


The Jerilderie Hospital Auxiliary will hold its first meeting for the year on Thursday February 23, at 2pm. Venue to be advised.


Friday, March 3 is the the World Day of Prayer, prepared this year by the women of Taiwan.

It starts at 10am at the Jerilderie Uniting Church and everyone is invited to attend.

Morning tea will be shared afterwards in the church hall.


The St Joseph’s Jerilderie Social and Fundraising Committee will be hosting the Jerilderie Fun Fair at Monash Park on Saturday, March 4, with gates opening at 4pm.

There will be free kids’ activities, including an at dusk outdoor cinema, popcorn and drinks.

Market stalls, food vans and live music, and a paint and sip workshop will also be attractions.

If anyone would like to assist in any way, contact either Heidi Bryce or Keisha Marshall.