
Tim McCurdy is Victorian Opposition spokesperson on Water and Consumer Affairs

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Delighted: Tim McCurdy will take charge of the Water and Consumer Affairs portfolio in the Victorian Opposition.

State Member for Ovens Valley Tim McCurdy has been put in charge of the portfolios of Water and Consumer Affairs for the Victorian Opposition.

The announcement came as Opposition leader John Pesutto revealed his shadow cabinet.

Mr McCurdy said he was pleased to be returning to the shadow cabinet and was eager to ensure that the Andrews Government was held to account.

“Victoria needs a strong Opposition that will scrutinise the Government and hold them to account for the spin and spend coming from this premier,” Mr McCurdy said.

“Country Victorians voted loud and clear that they wanted the Coalition to represent their needs, and ensure they get a fair share from Spring St.”

However, despite his new position, Mr McCurdy was keen to reassure residents of the Ovens Valley that he would still be available to them.

“I can assure Ovens Valley residents that I am still their local voice,” he said.

“If you have any issues or concerns, I will still be happy to meet with you, or give you a call to discuss them.”