
Time’s ripe to review business

As part of funding for flood recovery Murray Dairy has the Taking Stock program, which is ideal to assist with a snapshot of your business. Photo by Julie Mercer

As the end of the financial year draws near, it is an important time to review financials, budgets and plans for next season.

As part of funding for flood recovery, Murray Dairy has the Taking Stock program which is ideal to assist you with this snapshot of your business.

You can receive confidential, 1:1 support from experienced consultants who can help you best understand your business numbers heading into next season. To register for the program, contact Murray Dairy regional extension officer Russell Holman on 0438 921 904.

On another note, it was invigorating to see so many dairy farmers converge from across southern NSW and northern Victoria to Murray Dairy’s annual conference for farmers, The Murray Muster 2023.

As Murray Dairy’s flagship event, the muster is a great forum for farmers across the region to connect with their local dairying community, hear the latest industry insights, and learn valuable strategies to maximise production.

Held in Shepparton, the theme of this year’s muster focused on ways to attract, retain and train employees in the dairy industry, particularly in on-farm roles.

A skilled cohort of local and national presenters shared key industry insights and learnings, while a number of Murray Dairy primary producers shared existing on-farm practices with positive results.

Given the current landscape around attracting and retaining a strong workforce, this was a great opportunity for attendees to leave the event armed with practical tools that can be implemented within farm businesses. Well done to all involved.

Recently members of the Murray Dairy staff, board, dairy farmers and processor representatives had the opportunity to participate in round table meetings with Victorian Government discussing climate adaptation and emissions.

Proactive discussions between government and industry are significant in increasing engagement and helping form how government can support the dairy industry in future action.

The Murray Dairy board and staff will soon host members of the Dairy Australia board to the region for a tour of dairy farm businesses and drop-in sessions with farmers.

This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase the range of farming operations we proudly boast, and I acknowledge the Dairy Australia board for their ongoing interest in the region.

Keep up-to-date with Murray Dairy’s events page, online at to see what opportunities are available to meet with the visiting Dairy Australia Board representatives.

Lastly, the Murray Dairy board is recruiting for three directors (two farmer directors and one specialist skills director) to formally start in October 2023.

It comes as myself and specialist skills director Mark Bailey both near the end of our second terms, which, in accordance with the Murray Dairy constitution, means we will step down from our positions this year.

While this is bittersweet for me, it is a fantastic opportunity for members of the local industry, and I strongly encourage a diversity in applicants for the advertised positions.

It has been an incredibly rewarding experience serving the board as a director and chair.

Candidates interested in applying for the advertised positions need to download and fill out the expression of interest form and email it by 5pm on Thursday, July 6 to

Read more about being a board director on page 5.

Take care.

Andrew Tyler

Murray Dairy chair