
Trio of brothers blitz ahead

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A proud moment: brothers Ali (Year 6), Adam (Year 6) and Haqi (Year 4) Mohd Zaki with their Blitzmaster certificates. Photo by Owen Sinclair

They say significant things come in three - the perfect set, musketeers and, of course, the three Fates of Ancient Greek mythology.

Three brothers have passed the highest level in a timed numeracy test at Cobram Primary School.

Brothers Ali, Adam and Haqi Mohd Zaki received their certificates confirming them as Blitzmasters at the school’s last assembly.

Blitzmasters is a timed quiz testing students in multiplication, division, subtraction, and algebra.

To pass the final Level 26, students must answer at least 90% of questions correctly in under 10 minutes.

This is no small feat - considering there are 180 problems to solve.

Cobram Primary School assistant principal Jeremy O’Brien said that the Blitzmaster program had resulted in a significant improvement in students’ ability to improve their automaticity.

“We want our students to become strong problem solvers in the real world and this program assists them with that,” Mr O’Brien said.

“We’ve had students as young as Year 2 become Blitzmasters, which is a significant achievement when you consider the complexity of the Maths work they are completing.“

The Mohd Zaki brothers are among a handful of students to take the title of Blitzmasters at Cobram Primary School in the last year.

“I’m just happy,” Ali said, holding his award. Now, as a certified Blitzmaster, “I’m thinking that I’m going to coach [our classmates] again.” Photo by Owen Sinclair
Haqi said “I might do more – try and get my second [Blitzmaster], probably", and that he would also like to coach his classmates. Photo by Owen Sinclair
"I'm happy," Adam said, "no more need to do Blitz." Photo by Owen Sinclair