
Uncover your family history, learn your origin story

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With rows of books and thousands of pages of printed history, libraries across Campaspe Shire are inviting people to discover the backstory of their family tree this August. Photo by Nikala Dixon

For some people there’s no better mystery than their own family tree; with twists and turns, and shocks and surprises.

Closing out the chilly season, August is Family History Month, and Campaspe Shire libraries are pulling the records out for you to delve into your own family history.

Libraries across the area will be holding multiple sessions across the month that will help turn back the pages in personal history books to help people uncover secrets, find family members, or recover history.

Kyabram, Stanhope, Rushworth, and Tongala libraries will each hold a ‘Researching Your Family History’ seminar and offer two-hour one-on-one sessions with library staff who will help you delve into your family history using technology.

Local historian and author Alan McLean will also be making an appearance as a guest speaker at select libraries across the shire throughout August.

Mr McLean will discuss the findings of his research into Rushworth’s thriving gold-producing era from 1853 to 1880.

On August 8, Rushworth Library will celebrate Family History Day by hosting six guest speakers who will voice their family stories.

Author Leo Kennedy will kick off the day in Rushworth who will speak about his journey of research for his book Black Snake: The Real Story of Ned Kelly.

Tracee Spiby will speak about her debut book One Hell at a Time, which recalls her grandfather’s military history through a collection of letters he sent home to Australia.

Echuca Moama Family History group family historian Judy McCleary will talk about how ancestors’ voices speak from the past, and how we can keep them alive.

Jenny Mustey will start her session by detailing her research into her great-great-grandfather who died in a mine at Nuggety Hill Rushworth in 1894.

Victoria Green will round out the session with a retelling of her great uncle’s untimely death in a shark attack at St Kilda beach in 1930 and delve into how she was able to research the incident.

Find out how you can uncover your own history by attending any of the sessions held at the libraries across Campaspe Shire.

Kyabram Library

Wednesday, August 7

Researching your Family History Seminar at 4pm

Monday, August 12

Guest speaker: Local historian Alan McLean at 11am

Saturday, August 17

Genealogy meeting from 10am to noon

Wednesday, August 21

One-on-one sessions with Victoria

Bookings essential — 10am, 11am, 2pm, or 3pm

Tongala Library

Thursday, August 22

Researching your Family History Seminar from 10am to noon

One-on-one sessions with Victoria

Bookings essential — 1pm or 2pm

Rushworth Library

Thursday, August 8

Family History Day from 10am

Lunch provided

Thursday, August 15

Researching Your Family History Seminar from 10am to noon

Stanhope Library

Wednesday, August 7

Researching Your Family History Seminar from 10am to noon

Bookings are required for most sessions. To book your place call 5481 2400 or visit