
Urgent funding needed to support youth through Live4Life

Community: The Benalla Live4Life crew, pictured with Benalla Mayor Bernie Hearn, was named community group of the year on Australia Day 2023. Photo: John Perri Occasion Studio Photo by Contributed

With reported increases in suicide rates during the past year, there is a real and urgent need for funding of evidence-based suicide prevention models for young people in regional Victoria — like Live4Life.

As students return to school across Victoria, and with mental health services in regional communities already stretched to their limits, many people are asking — what can we do to help the young people in our communities who are struggling?

Recent data released by the Coroners Court of Victoria and NSW Health, confirmed death by suicide rates have increased in both states in 2022,.

Based on this, Youth Live4Life chief executive officer Bernard Galbally is calling on the Victorian Government to fund preventative and evidence-based mental health and suicide prevention models that have a proven impact.

A recent article published in the Australian Psychologist journal — 'A Community-led Suicide Prevention Initiative for Young People in Regional and Rural Australia: The Live4Life Model' — calls attention to the success of the Live4Life model in empowering young people and those who care for them.

Youth Live4Life chief executive officer Bernard Galbally said the Live4Life model was highlighted in the Royal Commission into Victoria’s mental health system as a community-based initiative that is having real impact.

“We are calling on the Victorian Government to work with us, and rural and regional communities across Victoria, to support the scaling up of our award-winning, evidence-based, youth mental health and suicide prevention initiative, Life4Life — and deliver on many of the preventative recommendations outlined in the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System,” Mr Galbally said

“The government has stepped up to the plate with trying to fix the mental health system, and we congratulate them on these initiatives.

“But at the same time, we need to be investing more in evidence-based, preventative models.

“Live4Life is currently in nine rural communities in Victoria (including Benalla) and we have a wait list of another 20.

“Ongoing Victorian Government funding will help ensure a prevention initiative with proven outcomes is available to more rural and regional communities.”