
Ute theft charge came days after teen released on parole, court told

In court: A teenager applied for bail over the alleged theft of a ute. Photo by Rodney Braithwaite

A Mooroopna teenager has been charged with stealing a ute only seven days after being released on youth parole, a court has heard.

Blaze Joyce, 18, successfully applied for bail in Shepparton Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday, March 14.

He is charged with theft of a vehicle and driving unlicensed, but has not entered a plea to either charge.

Shepparton police Divisional Response Unit First Constable Marko Mitic told the court the owner of a Mazda Bravo ute saw his vehicle being driven out of his Mooroopna driveway at 10.25am on Monday, March 13.

He saw one male in the driver’s seat — believed to be Mr Joyce — and another in his driveway, First Constable Mitic said.

The court heard that 20 minutes later police received two calls from the public about two males pushing the stolen ute into a car park off a Morrell St laneway.

When he was arrested, Mr Joyce told police he took the ute using scissors, First Constable Mitic said.

The court was told he was not interviewed at the time as he was “severely drug affected” and was instead taken to Goulburn Valley Health.

First Constable Mitic said Joyce was on youth parole at the time, having being paroled seven days earlier on March 6.

He told the court Mr Joyce was a recidivist vehicle thief, and that he had two outstanding charges he was yet to face court over.

Mr Joyce’s solicitor Kate Perry argued her client should be bailed because he had no adult court priors, was young, and was not likely to be imprisoned on these charges.

She also said he would be supervised by Youth Justice, and had parole hanging over him.

Prosecutor Caitlin McLeod, however, argued he should not be granted bail as he had been on parole for only seven days and had already breached it.

“He is likely to offend in the same manner he has been offending,” she said.

Magistrate Peter Dunn granted parole, with conditions that Mr Joyce live in Mooroopna, report to police daily, not associate with his co-accused, abide by an 8pm to 6am curfew, not drink alcohol or use drugs and undergo random testing for both, and be supervised by Youth Justice.