
Utes, noise, and fun at Jerilderie Ball

The annual Jerilderie Apex B’n’S Ball attracted the usual influx of utes and young people to the Jerilderie racecourse area over the weekend.

The extended parking area looked like an English fair ground, with an array of bright lights and cooking fires creating a festive atmosphere.

The foggy start on Friday morning didn’t deter the usual ‘who can make the most noise with his/her ute?’.

A quick change from a sunny Saturday morning to Antarctic conditions mid-afternoon may have helped to dampen the enthusiasm and lower the noise level on Saturday night.

Local organisations joined forces with Apex Club members to help feed and water the attendees, and clean up after they left on Sunday.

The slight inconvenience of loud noises for a couple of days and nights is offset by the amount of money raised by the function, helping local businesses and organisations who benefit from the Apex Club’s generosity and hard work.


Murrumbidgee Council is running an online survey to gather information about the community’s preferred options for opening days and times at each of the council’s swimming pools.

The survey is available online, or printed copies are available in council offices. It closes Monday, August 5 at 5pm.


All executive members were returned unopposed at last week’s annual general meeting of the Jerilderie Hospital Auxiliary, which was attended by nine members, and nurse manager Fran Langham.

Elected were: President Joy Knight, vice president Lucy Sweeney, treasurer Maree Thomas, secretary and publicity Judy Ryan.

Over the last 12 months, the auxiliary has been able to provide three new recliner chairs for the residents’ lounge. A new long, low bed for tall residents/patients was also purchased during the year.

Special treats paid for by the auxiliary, such as occasional takeaway meals and Christmas Cheer, are much appreciated by residents and patients.

Trips outside the MPS on sunny days, in the much-loved ‘Go-cart’ with diversional therapist Tania, are also eagerly anticipated.

Fran Langham gave a report in which she mentioned the difficulties faced in the last 12 months with staffing at all levels, and the sterling job performed by the three registered nurses and enrolled nurses who covered shortages when agency staff were not available.

During the year the Jerilderie Apex Club sponsored major improvements to the Nurses’ Home, allowing for internal painting and carpeting, and re-furbishing of bedroom and lounge areas. All rooms are currently utilised.

A grant was received this year by the hospital to redesign the north facing verandah, which is now glassed in, allowing residents a comfortable, warm place to sit, and enjoy the view of their lovely garden area, or entertain visitors.

Another matching chair for the residents’ lounge was approved for purchase at the July monthly meeting.

The next meeting of the hospital auxiliary will be on September 26. New members are always welcome.