
Vets warn of tick threat for dogs

Concerns: “Tick serum supplies are rapidly diminishing,” says Greencross Vets chief veterinary officer, Dr Magdoline Awad. Photo by Megan Fisher

Tick season is under way and vets are warning dog owners to make sure their pets are up to date with tick preventive treatments as tick anti-toxin serum is out of stock nationally.

Limited supplies of the tick anti-toxin serum are left in hospitals and stocks are unlikely to replenish for another two weeks.

Tick paralysis cases are not common in this region.

As such, many vets do not stock the anti-toxin serum. However, ticks can travel from high risk areas such as Gippsland or central NSW via vehicles, pets and other means.

Greencross Vets chief veterinary officer, Dr Magdoline Awad, says that pets who are not currently protected by a preventive treatment need to be protected immediately.

“There are many tick preventatives available that provide excellent protection for dogs and cats which are easy to administer and may save your pet’s life.”

Greencross Vets say that the flood conditions have limited the ability of tick anti-toxin serum suppliers to keep up with the demand.