
Victoria 2026 | Cancellation comes with potential silver lining for Shepparton

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Disappointed: Mayor Shane Sali was shocked to hear of the cancellation of the Victoria 2026 Commonwealth Games. Photo by Rechelle Zammit

The 2026 Commonwealth Games will no longer be held in regional Victoria, following an announcement from Premier Daniel Andrews on Tuesday morning.

Shepparton was scheduled to host BMX and road cycling events, but a reported budget blowout from $2.6 billion to over $6 billion has forced the government to pull the pin on the landmark venture.

City of Greater Shepparton Mayor Shane Sali was “shocked” to learn of the fate of the regional Games — the seed for which was planted in Shepparton a number of years ago.

“There was initially that sense of shock, it was really unexpected,” Cr Sali said.

“(Event chief executive) Jeroen Weimar was here only three weeks ago reinforcing how great for the region the Games were going to be and there was some real excitement building.

“There was a real opportunity to not only take events to regional cities like ours but to really impact regional communities in a positive way.

“Visitation would have exceeded what Shepparton could accommodate, which would have had a positive impact in the surrounding towns.

“We were also hoping for infrastructure upgrades and legacy impacts, and the overall excitement would have been enormous.

“It wasn’t just about the two weeks of the event, it was about the build-up and the lasting legacy.

“Disappointed is an understatement.”

But focus now quickly shifts for Shepparton, with funding still set to be available for upgrades to the city’s BMX facilities at the very least.

“This funding for upgrades to the Shepparton BMX track is a great result,” Mr Sali said.

“The Victorian Government also announced our region will share in the $150 million Regional Tourism and Events Fund, which will offer new events, attractions and more accommodation in Greater Shepparton.

“Conversations will now take place in the coming weeks and months, with our expectation for further funding to be allocated towards the Shepparton Sports and Events Stadium upgrade. This upgrade is high on the priority list and a major project, which we will continue advocating for.

“We will also continue to push for the state government’s contribution to stage one of the Goulburn Valley Hwy Shepparton bypass, which is an extremely important piece of infrastructure, not just for our region but for all of regional Victoria.

“We will continue these conversations to ensure Greater Shepparton can get the most out of the $2 billion regional package announced by the state government.

“The priority now is to get what we can out of that for our region.

“Completion of the Shepparton Sports and Events Stadium upgrade was one of our main hopes when initially hosting the Games. While no events were scheduled in Shepparton which could make that a reality, we now have another opportunity to push for the really important upgrade.

“As it stands now, we want to see state government contribution for the Shepparton Sports and Events Stadium upgrade, and we want to see state government contribution for the GV bypass.

“We feel these two projects would have huge regional benefits and we will be loud and clear about how important we feel it is for these funds to be allocated.”