
Victorian Government accused of failing to provide evidence to truth-telling commission

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Directions hearing: Professor Eleanor Bourke chairs the Yoorrook Justice Commission, which has accused the Victorian Government of not producing evidence. Photo by contributed

The Victorian Government is being hauled before the Yoorrook Justice Commission for not complying with orders to produce evidence.

The commission, which has the powers of a Royal Commission, says it will hold a directions hearing at 10am on Monday, March 27, regarding the government’s non-compliance with the commission’s orders to produce evidence.

It said the hearing was scheduled after the government failed to meet deadlines to produce evidence as directed by Yoorrook.

At the hearing, the government will be asked to explain why documents in its possession have not been provided to Yoorrook.

Yoorrook is the first formal truth-telling inquiry into past and ongoing injustice against First Peoples in Victoria.