
Victorians encouraged to have open-flued gas space heaters regularly serviced

Winter safety: It’s getting colder, so remember to maintain your heaters. Photo by Megan Fisher

Owners of open-flued gas space heaters are urged to maintain servicing every two years due to the potentially fatal threat of carbon monoxide poisoning.

An Energy Safe Victoria survey of 1400 Victorians this year found only 63 per cent of people were aware they needed to have their heaters serviced at least once every two years by a licensed gasfitter qualified to service type A gas appliances.

“We are urging Victorians to ensure their families are protected this winter, with tens of thousands of open-flued gas heaters still being used across the state,” ESV commissioner and chairperson Marnie Williams said.

Open-flued gas space heaters are designed to interact with air in the home, drawing air from the room for combustion.

But Victorian Building Authority state building surveyor Andrew Cialini said carbon monoxide was known as a “silent killer” in action.

“It is colourless and odourless, so it is important for the community to understand the risk, and plumbers installing or servicing gas heaters to take the opportunity to educate consumers when the opportunity presents,” he said.

It is also important to not confuse carbon monoxide poisoning with the flu.

“Carbon monoxide poisoning symptoms can be similar to those suffered by those with the flu — these include headaches, tiredness, dizziness and nausea,” Victorian Deputy Chief Health Officer Dr Angie Bone said.

The Victorian Government is assessing submissions to a Regulatory Impact Statement focused on introducing mandated servicing standards for open-flued gas space heaters.

If these standards are approved, changes will be introduced from July 1.

Victorians can visit to make sure their gasfitter is licensed.