
Victoria’s crumbling roads in the Nationals’ spotlight

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Election pledge: Nationals candidate for Euroa Annabelle Cleeland has promised funding for safer roads. Photo by Contributed

The Nationals have again targeted regional Victoria’s roads in the state election campaign, with the party pledging $288 million to re-establish the Country Roads and Bridges Program.

The Nationals say the Country Roads and Bridges Program was axed in 2014 by the Andrews Labor Government.

Under the Nationals’ plan, annual grants of up to $1.5 million will be available to Victoria’s 48 rural shires and regional councils over the next term of government to repair deteriorating roads across Victoria.

The Nationals have said the funding will help solve what they have described as years of neglect from Labor and independents, and ensure the safety of motorists.

Nationals candidate for Euroa Annabelle Cleeland said the $1.5 million boost would provide major relief for councils across the state.

“Regional councils like Strathbogie and Benalla have large road networks to maintain and need this dedicated funding to support their efforts,” she said.

Ms Cleeland said the plan would reassure Victorians that they would get lasting road repairs and that councils would be able to plan for long-term maintenance programs.

She has also said the $288 million plan was in addition to the Nationals’ $10 billion commitment over 10 years to fund Victoria’s road maintenance.

“Labor ignored country Victorians in 2014 when it axed the $160 million Country Roads and Bridges Program — rural and regional Victoria can’t afford four years of Labor,” she said.

The state of regional roads in regional Victoria has become a hot button topic and has had been given added attention by the major parties due to recent flooding.