
Visiting youth to host holiday fun days

The Jerilderie Uniting Church holiday program will be running from Monday, April 22 to Wednesday, April 24.

It will be held at the Jerilderie Racecourse from 9am to 4pm each day. Email for registration details.

Activities will include sports, cooking, canoeing, storytelling, singing, and lots more.

Morning tea, lunch, and afternoon tea will be catered for.

A Christian youth group and leaders from Sydney are coming to town to run the activities.

Cost is $10 per day per child. For families with more than two children, a maximum of $20 per day will apply.

If anyone would like to help with making sandwiches on Monday and/or Wednesday, or perhaps making something (without nuts) for morning or afternoon teas, please contact Jacqui.


Youth Week 2024 is started on April 11 and continues until April 21.

The Murrumbidgee Council has sponsored free activities in a Youth Holiday Break Program for various age groups.

On Monday in Jerilderie it was Read the Play, involving trivia, games, prizes and fun, for ages 14 to 18 years.

Today it’s a bus trip to Wagga for paintball and bowling.

In Darlington Point on Wednesday, April 24 there will be a beginner’s skate workshop and roller disco from 11am.

Contact the council for more details.


Anzac Day is on Thursday, April 25, and will be acknowledged in Jerilderie with a march to the Cenotaph for the Anzac service.

All those marching, including representatives from the schools, will meet at the Jerilderie Pharmacy at 9.45am, to proceed to the cenotaph.


Mark your calendars:

Murrumbidgee Council will be providing free activities to mark Seniors Week in May.

Celebrating Seniors Festival activities will take place in Jerilderie, Darlington Point and Coleambally.

In Jerilderie there will be an ‘Olympics’ seniors’ luncheon on Thursday, May 2, with morning tea from 10.30am at the Jerilderie Sports Club.

This promises to be a fun-filled day of Olympic-themed games, laughs, and a free lunch.

On Friday May 3, there will be a seniors’ movie at the Jerilderie Library from 1pm.

Bookings are essential for these activities - and for others being held in Colambally and Darlington Point.

Call at the local council office or call 1300 676 243 to book, or for more information.


Another May date to mark in your calendars is the Public School Trivia Night set for May 18.

May is going to be a busy month.

The Murray Primary Health Network is also conducting Conversations on the Couch in different towns, and will be at the Jerilderie Bakery on Friday, May 3 from 10am to noon.

If you have any concerns about health care in your community, or ideas for improvements, go along during that time and enjoy a chat over a cup of coffee.


Jerilderie Tidy Towns group now has a new meeting place at the Monash room at the local library.

The next meeting will be on May 6, at 4pm.

The June 3 meeting will be the last until the group resumes in October.

Membership is looking healthy, but anyone is welcome to go along and find out what the Tidy Towns group does. It’s not all meetings!


Jerilderie Hospital Auxiliary is continuing to meet every second month, and will next meet on Thursday, May 23.


If you have any news you would like to share, contact Judy on 5886 1241 or email