
Visy workers take industrial action to Shepparton streets

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Out and about: Visy workers take their industrial action against the company on to Shepparton streets. Photo by Rechelle Zammit

Shepparton Visy workers have taken their industrial action against the company to the city’s streets by marching through the CBD.

Industrial action by about 40 Visy workers at its Shepparton plant has seen them undertaking on-off strike action in recent weeks, angry that the company has refused to increase its enterprise bargaining agreement offer.

The Australian Manufacturing Workers Union says the Visy offer of eight per cent over three years amounts to an effective pay cut.

In an escalation of their action, the workers took their protests on to the streets with a march through the CBD.

AMWU representative Danny Miller said the march was an attempt to force the company back to negotiations.

“We need to make it more public. We’re tyring to company back to the negotiating table,” he said.

“They’re just failing at all ends to reach out and talk to us. So, members have decided that we need to go more public for this.

“The company should be shamed for their behaviour.”

The march started in Maude St and ended at Federal Member for Nicholls Sam Birrell’s office on Wyndham St.

There the workers called for Mr Birrell to take action to support their case.

“Where are you? Your constituents are on strike. Where are you when we need some leadership, Sam?” one of the organisers on a loud speaker said.

“Once again, you're providing nothing. You've got a reputation for providing nothing. Once again, you're showing us no leadership. You give nothing when it comes.”

Mr Birrell was in Canberra for the sitting of Parliament.

The workers plan to remain on strike until Friday this week and then next week between Sunday and Wednesday.