
Volunteers de-Light-ed

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Congratulations: Echuca Moama Show Society president Allan Mathers, First Lieutenant Alex Green and Uniting Church Outreach program volunteer Loris Cole (Kay McGrath absent). Photo: Nicole Thomson

The contribution of four outstanding volunteers has been recognised.

Committee For Echuca Moama, Transgrid and the Riverine Herald teamed up to run the Moama Lights Volunteer Competition, which saw members of the public nominate unsung volunteers.

The prize, a double-pass to Moama Lights, which was presented to Allan Mathers, Loris Cole, Alex Green and Kay McGrath on Monday.

Mr Mathers is the president of the Echuca Moama Show Society.

“Allan has been involved in the Echuca Moama Show Society for a number of years as a committee member and now president. The time he puts in is crucial and a great show is put on for the community year after year,” his nomination read.

Mr Mathers said he was humbled by the nomination.

“I first moved to Echuca in 1988 from the Sutton Grange/Redesdale area and first helped out with the show then,” he said.

“The thing I most enjoy is the fact that we try to keep the show affordable and that parents, and kids are not out of pocket.

“We’re always on the lookout for volunteers to help us out … this year’s show will be held on November 5 to 6, the weekend after the Melbourne Cup.”

Loris Cole is a volunteer with the Uniting Church Outreach program.

“Loris is a tireless volunteer at the Uniting Church Tuesday Luncheon program. She shops and prepares the two-course meal for 20 plus people. A program that has been running for 22 years. A welcome place to enjoy a meal and fellowship for all peoples,” her nomination read.

Mrs Cole joined the program in 2008 shortly after moving to Echuca from Charlton.

“We were in the church (in Charlton) before we moved over,” she said.

“When you go to a new community, you’ve got to be part of it. It can’t be all take, you need to give as well.”

Mrs Cole said she was “flabbergasted” by the nomination.

“I feel like I only do a little,” she said.

“The program started out giving a hot meal to children, but it has now expanded.

“There are so many lonely, older people who are coming in for a meal, so it is playing a vital role.”

First Lieutenant Green is another who moved to the twin towns, arriving here in 2019 after stints in Melbourne and Swan Hill.

“Alex is a volunteer in the RFS and CFA. He has spent every night this week away from his family with RFS training Monday, RFS and CFA state committee meetings Tuesday evening followed by CFA training Tuesday night, CFA meetings Wednesday and Thursday nights followed by two RFS calls Friday night and a house fire at 2.30am on Saturday. All this on top of his full-time job, it would be great to spend some time with him at an event like this,” the nomination said.

Mr Green is a member of the Echuca Fire Brigade and Moama RFS, having renewed his association with fire brigades in recent years.

“I started in Swan Hill in 2000, then got out of the CFA when I moved to Melbourne in 2003,” he said.

“I got back into it in 2018 and transferred to the Echuca brigade, and joined the RFS when I moved here for a new job.

“I do it for the camaraderie and giving back to the community, my wife Sara is the treasurer of 208 (primary school).

“It is great to be involved in the community.”

Kay McGrath’s outstanding service also earned recognition.

“Kay has cared for an elderly lady for the last eight years (she is 87) since her husband died. Kay invites her to every family Christmas/Easter/birthday ever since. Kay cares for her on the weekends and takes her to all medical/hairdressing appointments and some cooking for her, along with organising her care,” her nomination read.

Ms McGrath is renowned for her happy, cheerful manner and going the extra mile to help people.

Committee For Echuca Moama chief executive Deanne Armstrong congratulated the four volunteers.

“Transgrid donated the tickets and we thought what a great idea to recognise the contributions of local volunteers, because so often they do go unrecognised,” Ms Armstrong said.

“It is fabulous to have four worthy winners and I hope they enjoy the Moama Lights experience.”

Moama Lights is presented by the Murray River Council and runs until Sunday, August 21.

The iconic red gum bushland and legendary Murray River are illuminated using sound and lighting for an original and immersive experience like no other.