
Vox Pop | What’s your favourite thing about winter?

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Vox Pop | Ayden O’Keeffe. Photo by Khadija Hadjab

Bourchier St Primary School held a fundraiser on June 21 for local charitable organisation People Supporting People. The display was colourful and cheerful since it was a “come to school dressed in your winter woollies” day.

Students sporting their warmest PJs, Oodies and snow gear gathered as they watched brave teachers get dunked in an ice bath. A lot of fun was had by all.

The News reporter Khadija Hadjab attended and asked students what was their highlight of the cooler months.

Ayden O’Keeffe

I like going to the snow with my family.

Aaliyah Bagley

Vox Pop | Aaliyah Bagley. Photo by Khadija Hadjab

My favourite thing is when we go to the snow with my family.

Jimmy Morrison

Vox Pop | Jimmy Morrison. Photo by Khadija Hadjab

My favourite thing about winter is the snow. I like seeing the frost on the grass and the car windows.