
Wake up call

Tired? Think before you drive. Photo by Rechelle Zammit

A new hard-hitting road campaign is targeting drowsy drivers.

The new campaign, Driving tired? Wake up to yourself, was launched by the Victorian Government and Transport Accident Commission, is reminding drivers that being tired behind the wheel not only makes them a danger to themselves, but a danger to everyone on the roads.

Tired drivers contribute to 16 to 20 per cent of fatal crashes on Victorian roads each year, while accounting for approximately 25 per cent of road trauma injuries at The Alfred and Royal Melbourne hospitals.

Drowsy drivers are also four times more likely to crash if they’ve had less than five hours of sleep, according to research by Monash University and the TAC.

A second study conducted also found most respondents understood the risks of driving while tired and could identify the signs and symptoms, while young men reported a greater risk of falling asleep at the wheel.

The campaign comes as this year’s Victorian road toll passes 100.

“Lack of sleep can dramatically affect our ability to drive safely and this campaign will educate Victorians around the risks associated with driving tired and promote how much sleep you need before you are safe to drive,” TAC chief executive officer Tracey Slatter said.

“We know that Victorians identify driving while tired as risky, but we are still seeing too many tragedies as a result of being drowsy on the roads — our message is to rest up and get more than five hours sleep before driving.”

See more about how this was developed at Monash University through campaign research lead and Professor of Sleep and Circadian Science Clare Anderson below.