
Walk to boost support for greyhound adoption

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Ready to walk: (From left) Sophie Patane with her greyhound Gail, Roz Russell with her greyhound George and Ash Williamson with Chillby. Photo by Rechelle Zammit

Sophie Patane is an advocate of people adopting greyhounds.

She has a greyhound herself.

Her pet Gail is two years old and came from a rescue group.

While many greyhounds were adopted after their racing career finished, Sophie said this was not always the case.

Some, like Gail, failed at racing, and as such were adopted out while quite young.

Greyhounds will be celebrated in Shepparton on Sunday, September 25 at the Great Global Greyhound Walk.

The walk, which started in Britain but has since spread throughout the world, is seen as a day to promote greyhounds as pets.

In Shepparton, owners and their dogs will walk a few laps around Victoria Park Lake to celebrate the day.

Stretching their legs: Getting in practice for the Great Global Greyhound Walk are local greyhound owners Ash Williamson with Chillby, Roz Russell with George and Sophie Patane with Gail. Photo by Rechelle Zammit

Sophie is the organiser of the Shepparton event and said it was not just for greyhounds, with iggys, sighthounds, whippets, greyhounds and cross breeds all welcome.

In fact, people can also walk other dogs, with Sophie planning on taking her four-year-old cavoodle Teddy on the walk alongside Gail.

Shepparton has hosted the walk previously, but not for the past couple of years because of COVID-19.

Sophie is hoping for a good turnout on Sunday.

“I encourage people to come and see the dogs and have a chat,” she said.

Sophie said it was important that greyhounds were adopted into homes at the end of their racing career.

“Every dog deserves a second chance — especially greyhounds,” she said.

“After they race, it’s nice for them to have a home waiting.

“Adopting is wholesome and rewarding.

“You can see the transition from racing life to pet life, and they are grateful.”

Sophie said that despite their size, and fast speeds when racing, greyhounds were not active dogs.

Close bond: Sophie Patane says her greyhound Gail is a “sensitive soul who wants to be part of the family”. Photo by Rechelle Zammit

“There’s a lot of misconceptions about them being so active,” she said.

“They sleep a lot.

“They do zoomies for about 30 seconds, and then they sleep.”

Sophie said she had been interested in owning a greyhound since she saw some at the Shepparton Show years ago.

“I saw them and fell in love. They’re so placid,” she said.

Sophie has had Gail — so named because her racing name was Gail Force — since February and said she was a great addition to her household.

“She’s a total sweetheart,” Sophie said.

“She’s a sensitive soul who wants to be part of the family.”

Sophie said Gail was “mostly lazy” and particularly loved to sunbake.

Gail’s main quirk, according to Sophie, comes with excitement.

“When she gets really excited, her lips flap,” Sophie said.

The Great Global Greyhound Walk at Victoria Park Lake in Shepparton will start at 10am on Sunday.

Those taking part are asked to meet at the big hill near the all-abilities playground at the back of the lake on Tom Collins Dve.

Running start: Roz Russell, with her greyhound George, will be among those to take part in the Great Global Greyhound Walk in Shepparton on Sunday. Photo by Rechelle Zammit

The event is free, and as this year’s walk has a ‘red’ theme, participants and their pooches are encouraged to don some red.

All dogs must be on leads for the walk.

Registrations will be taken on the day at the starting spot.

For more information contact Sophie on 0447 777 055.