
Walsh commends Ryan as Nats search for new Euroa Candidate

Nationals: Steph Ryan and Peter Walsh. Photo by Rodney Braithwaite

With the news that State Member for Euroa Steph Ryan will step down at November’s election the electorate are waiting to see who will be running for the National Party.

With party bosses only informed of Ms Ryan’s decision this week the hunt will be on for a new candidate.

Without an incumbent member standing there is also the possibility the Liberals will run a candidate in the seat, however, this is yet to be confirmed.

In the wake of Ms Ryan’s decision, Victorian Nationals Leader Peter Walsh released a statement.

“Steph Ryan has been a driving force for positive change for regional Victorians during her time as the Member for Euroa and Deputy Leader of The Nationals,” the statement read.

“She’s advised me today (Wednesday, July 6) she will not seek re-election for Euroa at the 2022 Victorian State Election in November.

“I know this is not a decision she’s come to lightly.

“Like so many of our regional leaders, Steph was motivated to step up to be a voice for change after witnessing the desperate neglect and inequity in decision-making on challenges that are facing rural people.

“Coming from a dairy farming family, Steph’s was one of many who struggled with the devastating environmental, social and economic impacts of the millennium drought.

“Steph has an unmatched passion, loyalty and dedication to her communities.

“When she was elected in 2014, at 28 years old, she was the youngest MP in the Parliament. As a testament to her strong local advocacy, she was re-elected in 2018 on an increased vote.

“Steph has always been driven by a strong sense of integrity and justice which has carried through in her Shadow Ministerial responsibilities.

“None, more so, than her dogged pursuit of truth and transparency in government.

”Steph’s efforts to hold the Andrews Labor Government to account over its relationship with Crown Casino have ultimately led to the establishment of the Royal Commission.

“Steph leaves this role, and her roles in the Shadow Cabinet, with a proud record of championing a better future for country people where it’s needed most.

“On behalf of myself and The Nationals parliamentary team we wish her, Simon and Sunny the very best as they embark on their new family journey together.”