
Waminda assisting locals to apply for $250 power saving bonus

Here to help: Waminda Community House manager Leeane Bullard is keen to help local people apply for the $250 power saving bonus. Photo by Simon Ruppert

With the state government’s $250 power saving bonus scheme now open Waminda Community House is keen to help people apply.

Not only does it tick an important box for Waminda, in that it helps local people, but the community house will also get $10 for everyone it assists to apply.

Waminda manager Leeane Bullard said it would be fantastic if people did the application with them.

"They don’t have to upload any documents,“ Ms Bullard said.

“All they have to bring is a recent electricity bill, and their bank account details. The electricity bill needs to be in their name.

“We also have a bit of expertise around billing here. So we can make sure you’re getting all your concessions you’re entitled to.”

Ms Bullard said it could be a case that people were having difficulty paying their electricity bill, for example.

“In that situation we can talk to them about going on hardship and applying for the utility relief grant scheme.

“There’s also non-mains utility grants available.

“so if people rely on wood to heat their home they can claim an annual grant for being on wood.

“But they must have things like receipts, and whoever sold them the wood must have an ABN.

“So we can assist with processing the $250 power saving bonus, but we also have a bit of added knowledge and expertise about what else people could access.

“And of course getting the $250 bonus also does the energy compare and they can see if they are on the best deal.”

You do not have to change your supplier to access the $250, you just need to register and have a look at the energy comparison website.

“Often people remain on the same bill because it’s easier,” Ms Bullard said

“However nowadays changing is quite easy. And once a year on one of their bills the energy companies must inform people if they have a cheaper offer, that is important to look at too.”

The $250 power bonus is open now and available to everyone with an energy account. There is no closing date at present.

“The $250 goes into your bank account. A lot of people think it will be taken off a future bill, but that is not the case,” Ms Bullard said.

“We would really like people to do is ring us and make an appointment to let us help.”

You can make an appointment at Waminda Community House to get assistance applying for the $250 power saving bonus by calling 5762 4528.