
Tyrrell demands community consultation on Dhurringile Prison closure

The announcement of Dhurringile Prison’s closure shocked its 160 employees, their families and the wider community.

In a recent parliamentary question time, state Member for Northern Victoria Rikkie-Lee Tyrrell demanded the Victorian Government consult extensively with the Goulburn Valley community about the looming closure of Dhurringile Prison.

Her approach specifically targeted the decommissioning process and emphasised the critical need for the involvement of residents and Greater Shepparton City Council.

Mrs Tyrrell directed her urgent questions to Corrections Minister Enver Erdogan, seeking clarity on the government’s plans.

These questions arose from growing community concern about job losses and economic impact, expressed during a recent meeting about the prison’s future.

This meeting directly resulted from Mrs Tyrrell’s successful push for a parliamentary inquiry into improving government-community consultations statewide.

The decision to close Dhurringile Prison, which shocked its 160 employees, their families and the wider community, was met with a strong call to action from Mrs Tyrrell.

“It is imperative the government engages with the community on the future of Dhurringile Prison,” she said.

“This includes details of what the decommissioning of the prison actually entails.”

Mr Erdogan said detailed information regarding the decommissioning would be communicated.

He also stressed the importance of a joint approach involving the corrections department, Greater Shepparton City Council and residents in determining the future of the prison site.