
Wetter than usual September in Shepparton

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Rainy: Shepparton had a wetter than usual September this year, and that could not have been more apparent than at the Kyabram District League netball grand final when the rain bucketed down for much of the day. Photo: Rechelle Zammit Photo by Rechelle Zammit

If you felt it was wetter than usual in Shepparton in September, you were right, with the town recording 80.2mm of rain for the month.

This is far more than the historical September mean of 36.4mm recorded by the Bureau of Meteorology at the Shepparton airport over the past 26 years.

This year, rain fell on 14 days during September — which is also higher than the historical mean number of rainy days of 9.8 for the month.

This year, the highest amount of rain to fall in one day in Shepparton for the month, occurred twice, with 12.2mm on September 9 and September 27.

This is far below the highest September rainfall in one day in the town, with 47.2mm recorded at the Bureau of Meteorology weather station at Lemnos on September 30, 1966.

The highest ever rainfall for the month was in 118mm in 2003.

Day time temperatures in Shepparton were a little bit cooler this September, compared to other years, with a mean temperature of 16.5ºC.

This compares to the historical monthly daytime average of 18.2℃.

The warmest day this year came on September 22, when the mercury reached 22.3℃.

The coldest was a chilly 12℃ on September 26.

Night-time temperatures were slightly warmer than the historical average taken over the past 26 years, with a mean of 6.5℃.

This is a little above the historical mean of 5.4℃ since 1996.

The warmest night this September was 12.7℃ on September 23, while the coldest saw the mercury plummet to -0.1℃.