What are we?

The Rose City: An Ensign reader recently asked the question, ‘What do we call people from Benalla?’ Photo by Simon Ruppert

We all know people in Melbourne are called Melburnians, in NSW you can find Sydneysiders and South Australia is home to Adelaidians.

But what do we call the good people of Benalla?

The Ensign received a message from Benalla’s Kyle Abbott asking just that.

We once referred to Benallaites in the Ensign and had plenty of people in the Facebook comments disagreeing.

We’ve all heard Ben-aliens — perhaps that one’s more tongue-in-cheek.

Some people have suggested terms we cannot print in the newspaper. These were also tongue-in-cheek.

So, what are we known as? I asked Google, which gave me no answers.

The only option is to put it out to the community.

If you have a definitive answer or would like to suggest one, the Ensign is all ears. It might even adopt and use the term.

Email your answers to editor@benallaensign.com.au or comment on this article when it is shared via Facebook.