
Who stole the golden goose?

The date stamp on a local resident’s photo proves that Spartacus had been living at Memorial Park for at least nine years before his possible kidnapping.

Missing since being chased by river hoons on April 7, the Howlong community fear that a much loved local goose named Spartacus may have met a gruesome end.

Reports from local townsfolk indicate that the goose has been living a peaceful, yet solitary existence at Memorial Park for at least 24 years.

Nobody can recall how he came to be known as Spartacus, however he has become an icon for the town and the small area on the Murray that he has made his home.

Much loved by the community and visitors to the area alike, speculation around Spartacus’ safety were sparked by an anonymous post on a community news Facebook page on April 8 alerting the community to a possible kidnapping of the bird.

“If anybody is down at the Memorial today they’ll notice that Spartacus, our local resident goose is missing,” the Facebook Post read, and continued; “Unfortunately, yesterday afternoon at approximately 5pm three men, two in orange high vis shirts and one in a black hoodie, in a flat bottom boat chased and tormented him with a net and it appears he’s been taken.”

According to the witness, the men fled upstream of Memorial Park and did not return until after dark to retrieve their vehicle.

Spartacus has not been seen in the area since.

The incident was reported to NSW Police with the witness providing details of the men and the car including a registration number.

Howlong Police have since investigated the report and located one of the suspects, however, no further details have been forthcoming at this stage. Police have been led to believe that Spartacus was not harmed during the incident.

“We’re hoping for a miracle,” the witness said.

“We’re hoping he will turn up, but it seems very unlikely.

“This senseless act is absolutely disgusting, and I know a lot of residents will be so upset.”

During the 24 years the bird has been living at Memorial Park, other geese have visited and Spartacus has also been known to take brief vacations but has always returned.

There are no known previous reports of incidents such as this in the past.

To date there has been no sighting of Spartacus and the town is now fearing the worst.