
Wild weather hits Mathoura

The weekend’s wild weather resulted in a tree blocking the Cobb Hwy near Mathoura for about an hour.

Wow our weather has certainly been hitting hard and fast lately.

While thoughts of an Earth tremor last week were dashed, no-one could deny the September gales which made their appearance shortly afterwards.

I personally made a couple of quick checks outside to ensure the roof and trees in the garden were still in one piece.

One tree on the nature strip did fall foul of the gusty conditions, losing three limbs.

However, thanks to council staff the limbs were removed, and taken away.

Thanks guys, your efforts have been appreciated.


With people of all ages being the victims of scams, it is great that TAFE is considering a program on general scam awareness here in Mathoura

The free program would also include how to stay safe online.

Participants will not require computer skills to do the session, which is proposed to be held on a Monday afternoon or Thursday afternoon.

If you are interested, please contact Leonie Francis.


People driving past the Mathoura Public School on Friday could have been forgiven for thinking they were at the football.

They will have come across the school’s annual combined Blokes Day and Footy Colours Day – Blokes Day being the school’s celebration of Father’s Day.

And of course, you can’t have footy colours without a kick of the football, plus sausages and other treats.

It’s often hard to work out who has the most fun, the dads or the kids!

The Footy Colours Day earned $365 for the Fight Cancer Foundation which supports children with cancer and their families.


Have you ever wanted to have a go at playing pennant bowls? Well you are in luck!

Mathoura Bowling Club is looking for new players, both men and women to join its pennant teams.

But it doesn’t intend to just throw you into the deep end, rather it is conducting meet and greet sessions to show you the way.

These are being held each Sunday until the end of October.

So if you are interested, call the club on 5880 3200.


Visitors who attend St Brigid’s Catholic Church during their stay in town are advised of changes in place.

There will no English masses for the next few months.

However, should you wish to attend a Latin Mass, these will be held each Sunday at 10am.