
Wilmot Rd Community Hub calling for donations

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Donations: Wilmot Rd Community Hub leader Sarah Pearson with her son, Oscar Pearson, 3, making use of the library. Photo by Megan Fisher

Wilmot Rd Community Hub is calling for donations to help establish a community pantry and library.

Hub leader Sarah Pearson said all donations would go towards helping the community.

“The library is open to everyone in the community, they're welcome to come in and borrow a book, take it home and when they get a chance they can come back and swap it for another book,” she said.

“And if anyone has donations for the pantry, or if they need something, they're welcome to come in and grab whatever they need.

“We’re just trying to make it more accessible to the community.”

The hub is currently on the lookout for beginner and adult novels to fill the gaps in its library, along with necessities and long-life products for the pantry, including sanitary items.

The community hub is supported by the Greater Shepparton Lighthouse Project and Wilmot Rd Primary School, created as a safe place for all — not just for school-related families.

It’s open to the whole community to come for a cuppa and a chat, and also offers volunteer-led English classes, embroidery and crochet sessions and playgroups.

The hub’s open hours are Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 8.30am to 3pm.

It is located at Wilmot Rd Primary School, 84-90 Wilmot Rd, Shepparton. Donations are accepted at the hub or the primary school.

To get in touch with Ms Pearson, email or visit the Facebook page ‘Sarah Pearson HubLeader’.