
Winter fox baiting program launched to protect native wildlife

A winter fox baiting program has started in the Rushworth and Redcastle-Graytown State Forests to help protect native animals and livestock from the declared pest. Photo by Scimex

A winter fox baiting initiative has started in the Rushworth and Redcastle-Graytown state forests to protect native animals and livestock from the declared pest.

Forest Fire Management Victoria is employing canid pest ejectors to reduce the fox population in the area.

These mechanical devices deliver toxin directly into a fox's mouth when it pulls on the lure head.

FFM Victoria senior forest manager and roading officer Braden Pearce said the baiting program will run from Monday, June 17, until late July 2024.

‘’Foxes are a pest animal in Australia and attack livestock and wildlife. Every year, foxes are responsible for significant stock losses, especially during lambing season,’’ Mr Pearce said.

Canid pest ejectors containing PAPP (Para-aminopropiophenone) poison will be monitored and replenished weekly throughout the program.

All devices will be removed at the end of the program.

Neighbouring landowners have been notified, and signs have been placed at control area entrances to inform visitors of the baiting program.

Under the Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994, foxes are declared established pest animals in Victoria.

For more information on fox control, visit Agriculture Victoria’s website: