Wonderful student involvement

Above: Anzac Day 2022. All the Rutherglen schools and some from Wangaratta will lay wreaths on Anzac Day 2023.

Last year’s Anzac Day attendance of an estimated 600 people at Rutherglen was believed to be a record and with the wonderful involvement of school students, another big crowd in the Memorial Gardens next Tuesday, April 25 is expected.

“All the local schools will be involved in the service, including our kindergarten,” Rutherglen RSL Sub Branch President Craig Williams said. “Wangaratta will also be represented with the Cathedral College and Borinya Community Partnership.

“The involvement by all the schools is appreciated and the two leaders at Rutherglen High School always do a great job.”

Starting the day’s proceedings will be the 5.55am Dawn Service. Breakfast will then be available in the Memorial Hall for a small fee.

The main service will begin with a march in Main Street, forming up at 8.45am and stepping off at 8.50am, marching to the Memorial Gardens, with the main service starting at 9.00am. There will be a guest speaker.

Following the main service, morning tea will be served in the Memorial Hall along with Anzac Day activities, two-up and refreshments.