
Works progress on Gooramadda Rd

The enormous repair job on the sinkhole on Gooramadda Road is progressing, with the job expected to be completed by late March. Photo by Indigo Shire Council.

Repairs to Gooramadda Road following extensive flood damage last year is progressing.

In their weekly update, Indigo Shire Council revealed Gooramadda Road works recommenced last week removing the debris and remaining sections of the old culvert.

“Every effort has been made to reinstate access and in late December, a temporary access road was opened to enable light traffic to use the road,” the update said.

“As of January 19, 2023, works began on constructing new culverts and these are likely to take six to eight weeks.

Indigo Shire Council said the16 tonne load limited single lane access road around the site is working well to keep light traffic moving.

“This road is a single-lane gravel side-track suitable for vehicles of up to 16 tonne, which allows for fire trucks and emergency vehicles. This limit reflects the fact that the access road a narrow, unsealed, lightly constructed road not designed for the usually high volume and weight traffic on this road.”