
Year 12 exams start with hope for the future

Class of 2022: Notre Dame College students (left to right) Comfort Nhanjanga, Tyra Jones, Jemma Cuzens, Hannah Freeman, Elsie Boyer and Alex Kita sat the English exam on Wednesday. Photo by Holly Daniel

Shepparton Year 12 students’ past three years have been plagued by COVID-19 and more recently flooding, but finally the end is in sight.

The VCE English exam was held on Wednesday and The News spoke to Notre Dame College students to hear about how they went and their plans for the future.

School captain Elise Boyer said the exam was a challenge, but she tried her best.

“I had a big plan to study, but due to the floods, even though our house wasn’t inundated, we didn’t have internet, so our family headed down to Melbourne so I could study,” she said.

Elise said she was hoping to study occupational therapy at La Trobe University.

Alex Kita said he didn’t go too badly, after his preparation included feedback sessions with his English teachers to help plan for the exam.

“My preparation included doing one exam a day and sending them to my teacher and English assistant to discuss how I was going,” he said.

Alex is looking to become a teacher.

“I hopefully want to study teaching at La Trobe University, I love working with kids and talking with people,” he said.

Hannah Freeman and Tyra Jones thought they went well in the three-hour exam.

“I went pretty well, and I did practice essays to help me before the exam,” Hannah said.

“I did all right. I thought I wrote a banging essay,” Tyra said.

Hannah shared what she found useful in the build-up to the exam.

“Just doing practice exams and getting my teacher to mark them, so I knew where I went wrong,” she said.

Hannah hopes to be offered a place at La Trobe to study medicine, while Tyra wants to do a bachelor of science and arts at Monash.

Comfort Nhanjanga said he was happy the exam was done and thought he went well.

“I am hoping I am going to RMIT to do engineering, and before the exam, I did a lot of practice exams and practising quotes,” Comfort said.

Jemma Cuzens said she did her best in the exam, and had praise for her teacher.

“I think I did okay, as best as I could. My teacher helped build my confidence before the exams to prepare me,” she said.