
You can't beat a seat in a street

Welcome: Strathbogie Shire Council Mayor Laura Binks and Euroa Chamber of Commerce’s Steph Swift with daughter Hazel (front) with (back from left) DESIGNEuroa’s Janet Fogarty, Steve Tobin, DESIGNEuroa’s Shirley Saywell and Edwina Davey, Rowan Craven and (kneeling) Hugh Salmon.

The installation of locally-crafted seating is making a visit to Euroa’s Binney St a whole lot more comfortable.

The project, the first stage of the town’s streetscape upgrade, came to fruition after the suggestion of local community groups DESIGNEuroa and the Euroa Chamber of Business and Commerce.

DESIGNEuroa’s Shirley Saywell said it was a no-brainer to push for local craftspeople to work on the project.

“The community was saying they wanted to support local artists and council was asking for input on ways to do this at the time,” she said.

“We thought, why not incorporate art into infrastructure?

“We are most grateful to council for listening and responding. The end result says it all.”

The seats were designed and built with a combined effort of local craftspeople Hugh Salmon, Steve Tobin and Rowan Craven and artist Tank.

Strathbogie Shire Council Mayor Laura Binks said the entire process had been a win-win situation.

“We are incredibly pleased with the outcome of stage one of the Euroa streetscape upgrades,” Cr Binks said.

Cr Binks said stage two would take place this year, with the the design and pedestrian crossing near Mawson’s Bakery to be replicated by the Euroa Pharmacy.

For more information, visit or phone council’s customer service team on 1800 065 993.