
Young jobseekers given a boost with regional jobs online tab

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Exciting initiative: Grow Greater Shepparton team support officer Tawnee Vocale and Goulburn Murray Local Learning and Employment Network chief executive Bec Costa-Lowe at the launch in Shepparton on Wednesday. Photo by Max Stainkamph

Young jobseekers in the region will have a centralised online platform to search for jobs and to advertise themselves to prospective employers.

Grow Greater Shepparton launched its youth jobs tab at the Youth Employment Summit in Shepparton on Wednesday, aimed at helping young people get into work.

Goulburn Murray Local Learning and Employment Network chief executive Bec Costa-Lowe said the organisation had done a deep dive across the region, reaching out to both young people and employers before publishing a report.

“We found there were jobs going on in the region, and they did actually match what the young people's interests were, it’s just that young people just didn't necessarily realise how to connect the two of them,” she said.

She said young people were stuck looking across multiple platforms and weren’t clear on how they should best search for jobs.

Four main recommendations came out of the report, one of which was the creation of the youth jobs tab.

Other recommendations included developing alternatives to work experience, increasing rural career education to help young people to connect with employees in schools, as well as supporting vocational pathways to ensure every young person leaves school work-ready.

Grow Greater Shepparton team support officer Tawnee Vocale said she was excited to launch the new section of the organisation’s website, which would be free for all to use.

“There will be tabs talking about what are employers looking for, tips for writing a resume, and how to prepare for an interview,” she said.

“It will be a resource for employers to post job vacancies or to look for employers.”

She said jobs would be broken down more clearly than on other job-seeking sites, with feedback saying many young people were left confused with flowery language on job descriptions.

“It’s broken down a bit more into key tasks, dress requirements, the ideal candidate,” she said.

“The job-seekers’ profile page is another great source for young people to post their resumes and a bit about them where employees can go on and see the other candidates.”

The youth jobs tab can be viewed at