Young south-west farmers head to NZ

DemoDAIRY Foundation board member Chloe Brown.

Four young south-west Victorian dairy farmers will learn about different farming systems and genetic improvement activities in New Zealand as part of an upcoming study tour.

Max Bond, Cooriemungle, Jack Hutt, Bostocks Creek, Sam Kermond, Nullawarre, and William Rea, Allansford, have received scholarships from the DemoDAIRY Foundation to join the five-day tour in late November.

The New Zealand Dairy Study Tour, supported by the Livestock Improvement Corporation, will take participants to five different NZ dairy farming systems, including high production, efficient pasture-based systems, and extended milking interval farms.

“Tour participants will join like-minded progressive farmers from across Victoria to see dairying from different perspectives and learn and see new ways to improve their dairy farming knowledge and business management skills,” DemoDAIRY Foundation board member Chloe Brown said.

The four scholarship recipients are all part of the WestVic Dairy Young Dairy Network and will share their findings at a later YDN event, along with writing reports for the DemoDAIRY Foundation.

They will visit and learn about a range of different herd and system types, learn about genetic improvement activities in NZ, including LIC bull breeding, collection centre and bull farm, the herd test and genetic reporting systems, and future developments to improve genetic progress.

They will also visit the New Zealand National Field days at Mystery Creek in Hamilton, which includes a major display of new dairy and grazing management and a focus on innovation and production technologies suited to NZ and Australian systems.

Ms Brown said the scholarships were an opportunity to encourage young farmers to get involved in the Young Dairy Network.

“There are a lot of benefits for young farmers from getting involved in YDN,” she said.

The DemoDAIRY Foundation has also agreed to fund up to two places on the GippsDAIRY Don Campbell Memorial Study tour to Tasmania early next year, which will include attending the Australian Dairy Conference in Hobart in February 2023.

Applications for the trip are open through September 2022, and should be directed to Matt Wood at WestVic Dairy at

Ms Brown said that given strong interest in the New Zealand tour, DemoDAIRY Foundation may consider organising its own young farmer NZ dairy study tour next year.

DemoDAIRY Foundation will also consider applications for grants by individuals or groups to fund attendance at any dairy related short courses, special seminars, study tours or events such as the Australian Dairy Conference.

More information can be found at or from DDF secretary Ian Teese on 0427 358987 or