
A letter to my childhood dog

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Old friend: Suzy Kaboozy circa 2007.

Hey Suzy Kaboozy.

I miss you. It’s been a while.

You were my first fur-riend and the reason I love animals as much as I do.

You were always so gentle with me, despite being scared all the time.

You had a tough life, but I hope becoming a member of the Archibald family made it a bit easier.

I was the only one you’d let touch you; my parents always said it was because I was the littlest, so I wasn’t much of a threat to you.

I loved you with all my heart.

I have memories of the old house and sitting and reading while leaning against you.

At the time, you felt like the biggest dog, but looking at old photos it turns out I was just small — and you were, too.

You had kind of a puppy look about you.

I still remember you as our best dog.

We’ve had more — I think you would have liked them.

Madness is the good boy with us now; he’s about 10 years old but still acts like a puppy.

I think he would have tired you out — I would have loved to see it.

You’ve missed a lot since we said goodbye.

I’m grown now, but I promise I’m gentle.

I still love animals. I’m slightly more of a cat person (I’m sorry to say), but you’re my number one dog.

My older brother has moved out; he’s got a wife and house now.

My sisters and I still live at home.

We still use the trampoline, too. Sorry about all the times I tried to get you to join me, I know it’s not really your thing.

The lawn mower still scares me a little bit, it’s just so loud.

We always had that in common.

Thunder too — that’s always a jump scare.

You’d be pleased to know that Madness is terrified of storms, so your legacy lives on.

Anyway, that’s all.

I thought I should say hi after 13 years.

Signed with love, your best friend.