Blog staples to remain despite change of approach

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Blog staple: Weather photos are a key ingredient for the daily news blog. Photo by Rodney Braithwaite

If you have logged on to our daily News Blog over the past week you would have noticed something a bit different.

Along with our usual wall-to-wall updates — and wonderful weather photos from the region — there has been a message from me explaining a looming change to our daily blog.

I wanted to make sure I got the message across to you all — and allowed you to have a vehicle for questions or comments, which you can direct to or 5820 3228.

The daily News Blog was started as a way for our team to keep you updated hour-by-hour at a time where we all needed it the most — the middle of a global pandemic.

While the continuing serious nature of the COVID-19 outbreak across the globe – and indeed in our region – is not to be downplayed, the conversation has shifted from what do we do ‘now’ to what do we do ‘next’.

The need for analysis, in-depth coverage and exclusive content – which you cannot find anywhere else – outweighs the ‘breaking’ nature of the news cycle and, with that, comes the commitment of more resources to the daily blog.

It means that from today, this content will return to its place behind our paywall.

For full digital access, subscribe to our ‘welcome’ bundle; it’s just $2 a week for 12 weeks at

Even just a glance at Tuesday’s blog will — in my eyes — show you exactly why it is a product worth paying for.

The Victorian budget was announced and we had minute-by-minute updates as the commitments to our region flowed through.

But it was not just about the headline event of the day, the blog allows you to catch up with the news you might have missed from previous stories published in our paper and on our website.

We also regularly give you a teaser for what is coming up — allowing you to peek behind the curtain of our products.

I know the last thing you want me to do is preach at you about paywalls, so I’ll just leave you with this.

We’ve loved having you along for the ride as we explored a new way to deliver content to you directly – and we hope you will stay with us for the next step on the journey.

Tyler Maher is the editor of the Shepparton News