
Breaking the bypass deadlock

Move them out: Trucks are a common sight in Shepparton’s central business district. Photo by Submitted

I grew up in a family business which ran 14-15 trucks, so I have no problem understanding the need for a Shepparton bypass.

Shepparton is a significant transport hub with one of the highest heavy vehicle registrations outside a capital city.

This bypass has been described as “the biggest intersection in the south-east of Australia” which sounds about right to me.

As the Liberal candidate for the federal seat of Nicholls, I have listened to all of the stakeholders.

I heard at least one other candidate throwing rocks at the Liberal Federal Government, despite them having $208m on the table for years.

This should not be just another cheap political shot, so to get the real story I spoke with the bypass’s long-time advocate and chair Peter Johnson.

“The normal process for such projects would be for the Victorian State Government to determine the project as a priority, then to conduct the business case and refer it to Infrastructure Australia for assessment, and then the Federal Government will commit to around 80 per cent where the State Government commits the remaining 20 per cent,’’ Peter said.

Unfortunately, the bypass has never been listed as a priority by the Victorian Andrews Labor government.

They have not recommended it for assessment by Infrastructure Australia.

In Peter’s own words and, with his permission to quote him, he said: “The Victorian Government has not done a thing. Not one bit of information has come from the Victorian Government, except the business case which was two years late. No matter how much money the Federal Government commits we need the Victorian Government to engage with us.”

We don’t know why the State Member for Shepparton Susanna Sheed has not been able to get the attention of the Victorian Government on the issue.

If elected, I will not let this very significant infrastructure continue to be ignored by them.

As Peter said, “genuine discussion” is necessary between the state and federal governments to deliver this important project.

I will ensure that this happens.

Steve Brooks is the Liberal candidate for the federal seat of Nicholls, a pomegranate farmer, former grain trader and secondary school teacher