
Diary of a sleep study | Part three

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Wired up: Now for some sleep. Photo by Megan Fisher

Welcome back to the third — and final (for now) — part of my diary of a sleep study.

If you’re not up to date, I first mused about the process of getting a referral for an at-home sleep study and then about getting fitted with the device.

So there I am, wires everywhere, sitting in the car park at work.

Briefly, I wonder if I should chicken out and head home.

But ‘past Tyler’ planned well enough for that — by leaving all of my stuff in my office and shifting recording of that week’s After The Jack to that afternoon.

The reactions as I strode in were as expected — mostly weird and shocked looks, some verging on concerned.

I indulged my inner immersive journalist by sneaking in a quick studio shoot before it was podcast time — and of course co-host Brian Nisbet had failed to inform me that he had booked a guest for that particular episode.

But all in all, the buzz was enough to encourage me to continue on with the plan of writing about my experience — I was completing the sleep study either way anyway.

Eden, 4, and Bonnie, almost 2, took great curiosity in the setup — as did Ernie the pet dog through the window.

The prospect of being able to actually sleep through a sleep study still seemed a challenging one, but after attaching the final aspects of the machine, I set about trying my best.

Ironically, my lovely wife, Grace, mused that it was the quietest sleep I had mustered in a long while.

Maybe the wires — and especially the nostril-adjacent tube to track my breathing — focused my subconscious brain enough to alleviate some of the noise.

Or maybe there was too much going on entirely.

As I wait patiently for the results, I reflect on the idea that checking and maintaining my health shouldn’t need to be some big song and dance.

But as always, it is better late than never.

Tyler Maher is the editor of the News.