
Farewell Archie Roach: survivor, healer, truth-teller, man of stories, grace and deep wisdom

You will be missed: Archie Roach entertains the crowd at the Treaty Day Out concert.


Uncle Archie.

Archie Roach.

How to start writing about such a musician?

How to acknowledge his impact, his legacy?

Somehow words don’t seem enough.

I thought back to that hot day in February at the Rumbalara Football Netball Club, the setting for the Treaty Day Out concert.

How the expectant crowd burst into applause as the old man slowly took the stage. Acknowledgement of the respect and love felt for this humble man whose words reflected the experience of so many. Whose words opened the eyes of many others to our past.

A hush settled over the ground — a waiting — as Archie settled on the chair.

His oxygen tubes accompanied him.

He spoke about them — those tubes that were with him now. He said it was part of his journey though life. They were now part of him — his reality.

The words reflected a deep and loving connection with the crowd. To help those present feel comfortable seeing him as he was now. His caring generosity reflecting the generosity of the crowd.

He spoke about the crowd giving him life and the energy to continue.

About how each time he sang about painful things, he was able to let go a little more of the pain.

An enriching, reciprocal relationship.

And he started with the stories.

Humbly, offering a part of himself so we could all understand. Such courage, buoyed by the tangible love filling the oval.

The reverential crowd sitting still, soaking up the words, focused on the man in his recognisable red vest. Wondering if this would be the last time they would see him perform, but not wanting to consider this possibility.

His songs, so full of emotion, stories in themselves.

His voice, resonating in the hearts of those present, told of a life of trauma and pain, but of resilience, hope and love.

I remember listening to his final song — One Song — such a moving reflection of the cycle of time and of connection to Country. It brought me to tears.

Delivered with love.

The lyrics, almost spoken, in that distinctive voice. So gently fitting in between breaths.

So simple but so full of wisdom.

Listen to Country, there is strength — the old people whispering from the mists of time.

It’s a message for us all — ancient knowledge that is there for all to share.

A song described perfectly by journalist Jack Latimore as “an exquisite lullaby for humanity”.

The words, so simple but so powerful:

“We can see from Dreaming place

A planet that is empty

So we sing through time and space

That she may have plenty

We sing out across the land

And across the water

We sing woman, we sing man

We sing son and daughter

Remember well what we have told you

Oh don’t forget where we come from

Mother Earth will always hold you

And we are born of just one song

We sing the mountains and the trees

And the rivers flowing

We sing the rain that falls so free

And the wind that’s blowing

Now we are blessed that we’ve been given

This beautiful land where we belong

Dreaming story we are living

Dreaming dance and dreaming song

Remember well what we have told you

Oh don’t forget where we come from

Mother Earth will always hold you

And we are born of just one song

Yeah we are born of just one song” *

It is such a song for our Country.

A song of timelessness, of hope. A gift to us all.

And then there was the recent news. Archie had returned to where he had come from — The Dreaming.

The thought of a world without this wise man, gently nudging our understanding, was almost impossible.

But as time is flexible and almost circular, so Archie is still here — his words, his stories, his presence.

He has enriched his community as he has enriched us all.

I know I am all the richer for his time on Mother Earth.

His legacy lives on in his words, his music and his question posed to us in the title of his biography Tell Me Why.

My view of this country changed because of him — his words took me to a place of greater understanding.

Passing on the responsibility to keep these words alive, to understand their powerful message.

Along with countless others, let’s pause and give thanks for an extraordinary life.

Farewell Archie Roach: survivor, healer, truth-teller, man of stories, grace and deep wisdom.

You will be deeply missed.

To find out more of this extraordinary man, visit your local library and borrow his biography, Tell Me Why: The Story of My Life and My Music, Simon and Schuster 2019.

Listen to his songs, absorb yourself in the lyrics.

*One Song lyrics and music by Archie Roach